Tricia’s Data Log 2/11/2017

  • Internet Browsing (data logged = unique/concurrent user): news, Reddit, this blog, readings for other classes
  • Email (data logged = text, files): TA staff emails, contacting professors, etc., one email had an attached html/jpg file
  • Chat/Text (data logged = text): I texted my family and talked to friends on Messenger
  • MITx progress (data logged = video views, question scores)
  • Video Browsing (prerecorded) (data logged = 1 view, other data to Google about my viewing preferences): I watched YouTube for fun and to see the Asian Dance Team (ADT) setlist.
  • Dance (data logged = video of me dancing, preferences about dances): I went to ADT auditions, and they filmed us dancing the choreography at the end. I also had to fill out a form that logged what dances I liked and my availability.
  • Music Preferences (data logged = thumbs up for songs on Pandora, stations listened to for Pandora)
  • Game Data (data logged = progress in game, network stability is also logged for League): I played Fire Emblem, Pokemon Go, and League of Legends.