My iPhone is constantly on, and it’s probably both a) the device I use the most, and b) the device I have on my person the most. It tracks:
- My sleep—when I sleep (based on when I stop using it)
- Location—even though I’ve turned as many permissions off as I can, it’s still tracking my location. Good when I need Find My iPhone, but otherwise…
- My contacts—who I call/text/message, and when
- App usage—it knows all the time I’ve wasted on Reddit
- Cell network—every cell tower I connect to
- Apps—the apps I use definitely track my actions. My most used: Inbox, Spotify, Reddit, Messenger
- Wifi—my phone is a walking data beacon that spews probe requests, uniquely identifying myself to anyone willing to listen
My Macbook, Windows desktop, Athena workstations, and so on
- Operating systems—Windows 10 collects all kinds of data without my permission, and macOS probably does too
- Intel ME—pretty much all of my computers have Intel processors
- SSH logs—connecting to remote computers leaves logs behind
- Athena—MIT probably tracks just about everything I do on Athena
- Browsing history—this goes without saying. I’m pretty unique, according to https://panopticlick.eff.org/
- Security cameras—MIT has cameras everywhere
- Card taps—Similarly, there’s all kinds of places I need to tap to get in. It goes without saying that MIT records all of them
- Purchase history—every time I buy something with a credit card or TechCash