Kimberly’s Activity Log of Digital Data Created/Captured on 2-12-17

Time Type of Data Created Type of Data Captured Description
10:30 AM Time Phone alarm rang. Woke up, turned off alarm, and set a new alarm for 11:00 AM
11:00 AM Pictures, Emails Phone alarm rang. Checked email. Browsed Pinterest app on phone and saved pins
11:20 AM Form Submitted Add/Drop form to Registrar
11:30 AM Text Sent messages through Facebook Messenger
11:40 AM Email, Text Video, Links Sent an email that contained text, a video from YouTube, and links to websites
11:45 AM Numbers Went to McCormick’s dining hall. Swiped my ID card and returned a greenbox (logged in
12:30 PM Text Text Took notes in a Google Doc on the reading assignment for 6.813
1:00 PM Text Sent messages through Slack
1:15 PM Time, Numbers Ran on a treadmill (kept track of distance and time)
2:30 PM Event information Saved a Facebook event and added it to my iPhone Calendar
2:40 PM Text Sent messages through Slack
3:00 PM Text Text, Numbers Examined results/scores from an ultimate frisbee tournament. Visited teams’ Twitter accounts and filled out scouting reports in Google Docs
3:30 PM Monetary transactions Completed a transaction request on the Venmo app
4:00 PM Text Sent messages through LINE
4:45 PM Monetary amounts Monetary amounts Filled out CSS Profile (entered numbers) using data from forms. Paid a fee to submit it (recorded in credit card bill)
5:30 PM Numbers Went to McCormick’s dining hall. Swiped my ID card (logged in
6:00 PM Text Submitted a Google Form
6:30 PM Text IP addresses, domain names, servers Worked on homework assignment for 6.033. Used and terminal commands for DNS lookups. Submitted assignment on Gradescope
7:00 PM Text Data Worked on this data activity log
7:30 PM Text Text Took notes in a Google Doc on reading assignments for CMS.631
8:30 PM Text Submitted a room reservation form
8:45 PM Text Sent messages through Slack
9:00 PM Videos Watched YouTube videos (recorded in History)
10:00 PM Text Worked on this data activity log